Tuesday, August 31, 2010

3 easy ways to find everything you need

If this sounds familiar: "Where am I?" "I know you from somewhere!" "Where is my left shoe?" These sentences are a continuous part of your vocabulary when you need your hands on one point? Normally you are in this situation, if you do not have time to devote to searching for something.

I remember when my son was 10 minutes or more to spend each morning looking for the shoes match the school about 50 minutes to an hour a week looking forinappropriate for a shoe (10 x 5 days per week). The scenario shoe robbed us of our one hour weekly program, until I taught him the art of "everything has a home (including shoes) and the element and shares the same place every day. For us it was missing a shoe, perhaps for you the keys, cell phone, wallet, sunglasses, etc. Why can not I search for articles Rob your time and unnecessary stress?

I decided to store personnel similar to my home file system to createto work. What a beautiful Saturday morning (if I could have done shopping, go to the French Quarter Festival in New Orleans - sorry I had to vent), I organized all my important papers grouped in categories and records in manila folders and mark the folders for: taxes income, home, life insurance, automobiles, etc. Each family member had their Manila folder with all the important papers that were important for the person. For example, each of my children "Folder contained his birth certificate, immunization records, social security cards, school certificates, awards, etc.
Once a newspaper at home, I have all housed in an archive in my city.

It 'been so great, my hand on any document I needed from time to time and I return the document to his house after completion.

When we packed for the city of New Orleans with Hurricane Katrina weather direct to evacuate our city, I hadTime to seek out, it was wonderful to watch in my locker and retrieve all the important papers that I needed at home and flood insurance, immunization of children and school records, birth certificates, all important documents in we needed. Can?

You know, I disposed of the amount of stress in a stressful situation? I was able to spend more time on other important tasks instead of trying to replace documents.

Archiving is important and is a greatSave time.

Prior to categorize information and create an outline master

Watch your business and decide how you want to classify the data. I, for example: administration, marketing, finance, etc., my master and contour be seen in the higher category, create sub-categories: My example


Policies and Procedures

Forms / Templates

Corporate Structure




Business Cards

Content E-Zine

Networking Groups

Creating tabs for the outline and master the use of hanging, use manila folders with labels for your subcategories. Make sure all files, type a name, not use a name other business files because the file has begun to collect documents and you will not be able to quickly and easily. You can keep the same electronic file format.

According Create oneTickler File System

Get twelve manila folders and label them from January to December, then you will have 31 more vanilla folders labeled for 1-31 days per month and appointed two additional folders for the coming years. As I write this, is 2006, so you create a folder and a folder 2007 2008.

What ever month you are currently, days of the month folder (1-31) are. Each time a scheduled task, appointment, project deadline only 'Information folder is a necessary step. For example, if I fill out and submit an article, a publication that my target audience December 15, 2006 is required, as if I had contact information and an expiration date and a checklist in the folder for December 15, 2006 . On 15 December, all you need to do is, in my tickler file. Check your tickler file daily.

What happens if I'm planning to attend a conference 17th May 2008 just as I would put all the necessaryThe information contained in the file 2008 and files for products as soon as I, who for months and years. Tickler files should be synchronized with the daily planner.

Third Purge Your Filing System

Do not let multiple files contain 25-30 pieces of paper. And 'the best time to schedule the block once every three months to go through files to see if there is information that can de discarded or collected and stored electronically. Check with your accountant and banker, asdocumentation must be kept for long. You can also http://www.bankrate.com/brm/news/mtg/20000518h.asp It includes a checklist for how long to keep financial documents. You must clean and simple system for storing information you get when you want. Best is the most frequently used files around to keep in the desk drawer.

© 2006 Bridgette Boudreaux

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