Sunday, October 24, 2010

3 Simple ways to find everything you need

Does this sound familiar: "Where did I?" "I know I have it somewhere!" "Where is my left shoe?" These sentences are a continuous part of your vocabulary when you need to get my hands on an object? Normally, you find yourself in this situation, if you do not have time to spend looking for something.

I remember when my son would be 10 minutes or more to spend each morning looking for the game on his school shoes that look for about 50 minutes to one hour per weekinappropriate for a shoe (10 x 5 days per week). The scenario of shoes deprives us of our one-hour weekly program until he learned the art of "everything has a home" (including shoes) and put the item in the same place every day. For us it was missing a shoe, perhaps for you the keys, cell phone, wallet, glasses, etc. Why allow the search terms can rob your time and cause unnecessary stress?

I decided to create a personal archive similar to how my home filing systemto work. What a beautiful Saturday morning (I shop it was possible, if it is, will the French Quarter Festival in New Orleans - sorry I had to vent), I organized all my important papers in various categories and records in manila folders and label the folders as to taxes on income, Home Insurance, life insurance, cars, etc. Each family member has his own Manila folder with all the important papers that were important for the person. For example, each of my childrenFolder that contained their birth certificates, immunization records, social security cards, report cards, awards, etc.
Paper once had a house, I have them all housed in an archive and in my next.

It 'was so great, my hand on any document that I need at some time and I returned the document to go home after completion.

When we evacuated for the packaging of the city of New Orleans by the forecast of Hurricane Katrina hit our city, I hadTime to search for items, it was wonderful to look in my file and retrieve all the important papers that I needed: the flood and home insurance, children in school and immunization records, birth certificates, all important documents in we needed. Can?

You know, I disposed of the amount of stress in a stressful situation? I could spend time on other important tasks instead of trying to replace the documents.

Registration is important and a greatSave time.

1. Categorize information and create a master

Look at your business and decide how you want to classify the data. For example, I: administration, marketing, finance, etc. as my schema master, and as one of the largest categories, create sub-categories: My test


Policies and Procedures

Forms / Templates

Company Structure





Content E-Zine

Networking Groups

Create an outline for the master and the use of hanging folders, file covers the use of labels for the sub. Make sure you give all the file a name, do not use a different file name, due to file the papers began accumulating, and will not be able to find terms quickly and easily. You can keep this same format for electronic files.

2. Create aTickler File System

Get twelve manila folders and label them from January to December, then 31 more folders labeled vanilla called for 1-31 days in the month, and two additional folders for the coming years. As I write this, is 2006, so you would with a folder of 2007 and a 2008 folder.

Than ever in the days of the month currently include folders months (1-31). Each time a scheduled tasks, appointments, have only the termination of the projectInformation in the folder you need to get it done. For example, if I have a complete and submit an article for a publication that my target audience reads December 15, 2006, when I received your contact information and the expiry date and a checklist in the folder for December 15, 2006 found. On 15 December, all you need to do is, in my tickler file. Check your tickler file daily.

What happens if I am 17 with a planning conference in May 2008 to participate, I'm repressing all necessary measuresInformation in the file 2008 and files that end, once I get month and year. Tickler files should also be synchronized with the daily planner.

3. Drain the storage system

Do not include more than 25-30 pieces of paper. We recommend that you schedule time on the block once every three months to see through your files to see if there is no information to de discarded or saved and readable. Check with your accountant and banker, asdocumentation must be retained for long. Also check includes a checklist on how long to keep financial documents. You must obtain the file system clean and easy to give the information you want when you want. Best is the most frequently used files in your neighborhood to keep in his desk drawer.

© 2006 Bridgette Boudreaux

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