Wednesday, September 8, 2010

To see destinations in New Orleans French Quarters

The Orleans Ballroom

Built in 1817, was known for his opera and French, but soon visitors come here to New Orleans to see the balls quadroon sumptuous and exciting.

New Orleans' slave laws is a special social class between whites and slaves, who was the "free people of color. New Orleans Noir slave laws were based on" Code "Code Noir or French and Spanish slave laws. Among the French laws , Sunday was the slaves as theirRest day. Slave could work on her day off to other jobs and earn their money. By Spanish law, he could buy his freedom from his master and a "free man of color." As a "free man of color" has managed to gain property, money, buy his family out of slavery and also ironically, buy and hold slaves. 1830 Census of New Orleans that were recorded in a total population of 40,000 is 16,000 people without color, and 700 of these slaves.

The quadroon balls were a wasteParties where rich white men beautiful quadroon women eligible to undertake, could take could be their master. A quadroon was a person whose origin is in Africa was 25% and was forbidden by law to marry a white person. The marriage in 1700 and 1800 was a very practical agreement on money and social status, not love. When a rich man's love was concerned, he often sought outside of marriage. When a rich man and a young quadroon woman loved each other, had to convince her husband toThe quadroon a chaperone or a parent or other guardian, he had enough money to keep their style for the rest of their lives. A formal contract was set, where the man to give his consent quadroon mistress of a house, transportation, furniture, money and other material objects were made. Their children have his last name and was educated in the best schools in America and Europe. The mistress quadroon would remain faithful to the rich man they choose, but could endRelations whenever he wanted. Despite the termination, it would still stick to its part of the contract.

Cathedral Garden

Behind St. Louis Cathedral is a beautiful garden, which unfortunately is usually locked. The cathedral has a long history of trying to stop people from doing evil in this garden. It used to be a gap, which is a popular place for new duel, hotheaded men face some insult, real or imagined it was.

TheCourt is a marble obelisk, 1853 to commemorate the victims of 30 French soldiers lost their lives while caring for the sick in New Orleans during a yellow fever epidemic. to do in the early days of New Orleans, each with the media, the city left in hot summers. This was done partly with the climate, partly with the plagues of yellow fever, which could spread without warning and without reason. These wounds to kill thousands of people in a few years and none inother years. The doctors did not know what causes yellow fever, or how to treat it. Only humans are susceptible to yellow fever, all animals seem immune to disease. With the lack of volunteer medical doctors could do little to study this disease. In 1881, doctors came up with a new theory about the origin of the disease in infected mosquitoes. This theory has been courageous in 1901 by volunteers like John R. Kissinger, an Army private in SU, that leaves a "guinea pig" will be tested in amedical experiment. Had infected mosquitoes to bite him until he became infected. Survived the fever was confined to a wheelchair for 12 years. For their bravery and personal sacrifice, which saved so many lives, Kissinger and other volunteers experiment United States Congressional Gold Metal, and a monthly allowance in 1929.

Jackson Square

Spanish performances staged in Jackson Square beginning of his rule. After the FrenchKing Louis XV gave Louisiana to his cousin colony, the Spanish king Carlo III of New Orleans, the French colonists were very angry with the Spanish colonists in touch no speak. The same ideas were expressed in England by American revolutionaries in their rebellion, but these were the first cast Orleans in North America by settlers from New France in 1768, eight years before the American Revolution. The settlers defeated the Spanish governor in abloodless revolt, and was considering the creation of a form of self-government if the Spanish reinforcements arrived in the person of Don O'Reilly and his 2,600 soldiers. New Orleans surrendered without resistance O'Reilly. O'Reilly has sentenced six leaders of the rebellion to death. One of them died in prison. O'Reilly has tried, condemned the rebels for a pardon because of his youth, but the rebels have rejected the amnesty and chose to die with his comrades. These five rebels were in recoveryJackson Square, October 25, 1769 by a Spanish firing squad. The people of New Orleans who recalled the rebel leader by appointing a French road just downstream of the French Quarter, Frenchmen Street, in their honor.

Today, French is the site a pleasant and beautiful part of the neighborhood. But the reign of French and Spanish, the square was a place of terrible performances. In 1754 the French soldiers on the ship Iceland, SMhave been ordered sold by an officer called Duroux, a cruel man who starved their food and supplies, his men and forced them to coal and limestone, which sold for personal profit. Some of his men fled to New Orleans and reported on their treatment Kerlerec governor. The government believes in military discipline at all times and on one side with Duroux. Duroux returned soldiers 'suffering'. A few days later, the soldiers mutinied and killed Duroux escape. The rebels tried toGeorgia, but were captured. The three leaders of the rebellion were sentenced to death in the Place d'Armes,.

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